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Allstate Applies for Patent to Spy on Its Auto Policyholders

With Big Brother already keeping a watchful eye on many of our everyday activities, Allstate Insurance wants to take it a step further. As if our driving and accident records weren’t enough, a recently discovered patent filed by Allstate Corp. puts a new wrinkle in how auto insurance rates may be determined in the future.

The patent, titled “Traffic-based Driving Analysis,” was filed August 11 of this year and proposes to use new and existing technology to monitor everything that happens to be related to the company’s auto insurance policyholders – from your driver seat position to the volume of your stereo.

As a result, Allstate would be allowed to access existing monitors and cameras already featured in most newer vehicles, including telematics devices installed by the insurer. It also provides for the use of new technology and methods that could give the company the ability to check up on its customers at any given time.

The insurance carrier’s intentions would go beyond the norm by gathering data that could include:

Who is riding in the car with you – including the number and age of passengers
Your phone use while driving – including texting
Your eating habits behind the wheel
Objects in the car, posing a potential distraction to the driver, including animals
Seating position
Driver’s eye-line
Stereo volume level
Driver’s heart rate
Driver’s blood pressure
Alcohol content in the air

In additional patents, Allstate’s reach would extend beyond their own policyholders. To be more precise, the company also wants to monitor the activity of other drivers on the road, along with traffic patterns and weather conditions.

According to Allstate spokeswoman Laura Strykowski, the company’s plan to eavesdrop on policyholders is merely a way to provide drivers with broader information about traffic conditions, as well as other external factors that could equip them to drive more safely. However, others find a more sinister motive, including J. Robert Hunter, former Texas insurance commissioner and current insurance director for the Consumer Federation of America, who characterized the patent as “the invasion of the spy car.”

Not only would the car spy on its own driver and passengers, but the concern is that it could also snoop on other nearby drivers and unsuspecting pedestrians without their knowledge or permission. Less than reassuring were recent comments by Allstate Chief Executive Tom Wilson, who suggested that the insurer is exploring the sharing and selling of driver data as a possibility.

The invasion of privacy aside, under the terms of a potential agreement, Allstate auto policyholders would have their data transmitted to businesses in real-time, allowing those businesses to send them coupons and promotional materials based on when and where they are driving.

There was no mention of a distraction factor if those businesses send the coupons and promotional material while the driver is behind the wheel. Still, Allstate is intent on pursuing the use of the technology, enticing participants with a potential discount on their insurance premiums.

The question is – are you willing to give up your privacy to save a few bucks?

While you debate that question, you need to ask yourself if you think you’re getting the lowest auto insurance rates. If you’re not sure – then, it may be time to get a free auto insurance quote.

Would you be willing to give up all of your privacy while driving in exchange for a discount on your auto insurance? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.