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Customer Service:844-209-3458

CSR Program

Our Mission: Making a Difference

At USAgencies, we believe that helping our customers find the best insurance at the best price isn’t enough. Since we know and understand the community, we are committed to enriching the lives of all of our neighbors.

Our employees proudly participate in a variety of charitable initiatives that truly make a difference at the community level. These include:

Confie AID

We’ll not soon forget the indescribable toll that the floods took on southern Louisiana in August 2016. Homes and businesses were destroyed, leaving thousands of residents stranded and entire communities at a standstill. In response, our parent company, Confie, launched Confie Aid – a program through which employees made contributions to the American Red Cross to help our colleagues get back on their feet. USAgencies followed suit, along with the rest of the Confie family, when Hurricane Harvey caused massive destruction in south Texas.

Toys for Tots

Our parent company recently became a national sponsor of one of the country’s most respected charitable initiatives, Toys for Tots. This annual campaign, spearheaded by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, collects and distributes new, unwrapped toys to hundreds of thousands of children in all 50 states during the holidays. USAgencies is delighted to participate in this program, which not only puts smiles on young people’s faces but also instills in them a sense of responsibility and patriotism.

Supporting Grassroots Organizations

With its key leadership role on the board of the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF), Confie helps support dozens of community organizations that serve families, children, and schools across the country. These range from Para Los Ninos, dedicated to quality early education, and the OC Child Abuse Prevention Center to Family Bridges, which fosters healthy family relationships and spiritual values.

The USAgencies team is committed to securing not just the health and property of our customers, but also the people and programs that make our communities thrive. To learn more, ask a representative or call 800-420-3712.